
Shabra + Lidl – Closing the Circular Loop

The circular economy isn’t just a trendy term. For Shabra, it is fundamental to an efficient, sustainable and eco-friendly business model that has the potential to revolutionise the planet and drastically improve the lives of future generations.

Whenever other companies align themselves to that vision, it always merits attention, none more so than the excellent work being done at Lidl. The company is one of the first retailers in Ireland to introduce the PET bottle material into packaging for their products. Lidl customers can now buy back the material that was inserted into the reverse vending machines, thereby contributing to the Irish circular economy.

This is a project that spans Irish packaging recycling as well as packaging and food manufacturing creating a collaborating cohesive process and sustainable approach to waste management in Ireland.

Shabra are delighted to be involved in this partnership in conjunction with Waddington Europe, Versatile Packaging and Silver Hill Foods. This joint venture and our shared vision of a circular economy has wide-ranging advantages – developing infrastructure within Ireland, supporting current eco-friendly initiatives, helping to create new jobs, raise awareness and further develop local economies.

“As one of Ireland’s leading waste plastic recyclers & reprocessors, we strive to raise awareness of the benefits of adopting a more sustainable and eco-conscious approach to business. This partnership with Lidl highlights the many community benefits and net positive gains gleaned from transforming our relationship with plastic waste and the opportunities that exist all around us.”

Rita Shah, CEO of Shabra Group

To learn more about this project, check out the following link: